
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Asalamualikum and welcome to you all, Brothers and Sisters what we have here is a home for Muslim poets to present their poems and have them heard or share poems of other poets they would like us to hear. All styles are welcome and Inshallah, Allah will bring from this much goodness and may we be of the righteous kalaf to the likes of Hassan ibn Thabit may Allah be pleased with him (The poet of Allah's messenger, peace be upon him). Please feel free to send in your poems written or spoken so we may post them. Become an author here and you can post them your self. We hope through these efforts to propagate Islam so that it reaches the masses, defend Islam and its people from the onslaught of those who despise it, and tread the path of those who preceded us in guidance. Please keep in mind to keep the poems in accordance to the Quraan and Sunnah upon the understanding of the Salaf of the Ummah.

Visist our new site: Immam al-Albani (English)

Visist our new site: Immam al-Albani (English)

Poets Quote

"not poetry or magic but greater - moving grown men to tears"


Teaching the blind to read!
It wasn't Louis Braille who first developed the system for the blind to read as the west has written into history. It was the Muslims who first developed a method for the blind to read. Read below what Ibn Hazim (May Allah have mercy upon him) said about one of his teachers and how he developed a tool for his blind son to read. Ibn Hazim (1064) lived 800 years before the Braille system was even invented (1821)!!!

In our history that is much forgotten and rarely ever read we find the Muslims were the developers of many modern day tools and technologies and leaders in all Sciences but history has been re-written by others unfortunately. In other places I have heard of how the Muslim scholar ibn Fathdlaan (around 200-330 Hijra) was the first to calculate the lines of longitude and latitude, and what he wrote of the pure brute uncultured nature of the Europeans he met on his travels across the world to calculate these lines.
Inshallah we will translate this piece soon.


!إثبات أن المسلمين أسبق من برايل في الكتابة للمكفوفين 

المعروف المتداول أن أول من اخترع طريقة تعلم العميان والمكفوفين هو الفرنسي "لويس بريل" (1809 ـ 1852)، إلا أننا نجد الإمام أبو محمد بن حزمـ رحمه الله يحدثنا كيف كان الناس في الأندلس وكيف كان والد مؤدبه أحمد بن محمد بن عبد الوارث يعلم مولودا له، حيث يقول:
[ولقد أخبرني مُؤَدبي أحمدُ بن محـمد بن عبد الوارث(1) ـ رحمه الله ــ أن أباه صور لمولود كان له أعمى وُلــد أكمـه حروف الهجاء أجراماً من قير ثم ألمسه إياها حتى وقف على صورها بعقله وحســه، ثم ألمسه تراكيبها وقيام الأشياء منها حتى تشكل الخط، وكيف يستبان الكتاب، ويقرأ في نفســه، ورفع بذلك عنه غمة عظيمــة.] (ـ (التقريب لحد المنطق..) (ص 596 ـ التركماني)

Crocodile tears!


خطاب الملك السعودي بعد قطع النفط عن الغرب 

I had no idea the Sufi's were this crazy! We seek refuge in Allah from such misguidance.

The Crusades: Then & Now - Jalal Abualrub 

Interesting documentary of Afghanistan War

Noam Chomsky: Illegal but Legitimate: a Dubious Doctrine for the Times

The real time of Fajr and Maghrib


By: Jennifer Welsh, LiveScience Staff Writer
Published: 05/29/2012 07:02 PM EDT on LiveScience
Being touched by a man really gets the ladies hot, new research suggests. When physically touched by a male experimenter, women actually did get "hot and bothered" — their skin temperature increased, specifically in the face and chest.
"Women showed a temperature increase when they were involved in social contact with the male experimenter," study researcher Amanda Hahn, of the University of St. Andrews, in the United Kingdom, told LiveScience. "In some women they changed by almost a whole degree" Celsius, or 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit.
These changes were subconscious in many of the participants. Figuring out how skin temperature changes in response to stress and other emotional factors could help researchers study arousal non-invasively and develop hands-off lie detectors.
Studying experimenters
The face heats up when under stress, or when scared, or angry (hence the term hot-headed). The researchers wanted to find how other emotions impact facial temperature, so they took heat-showing pictures of two groups of young heterosexual women during a standard interaction with an experimenter, which included touching the arm, palm, face and chest (using a light probe that they were told measures skin color).
When an experimenter (of either gender) touched a participant, the participant's average skin temperature jumped about a tenth of a degree Celsius. The effect wasn't as large when considering only touches to the participant's arm or palm, and the skin of the face and chest regions changed the most.
The jump was about three times larger when the experimenter was male, the researchers found. The facial and chest skin of a young female, when touched in those areas by a male experimenter, got about 0.54 F (0.3 C) hotter.
The touch
This increase is pretty large for a facial temperature change, the researchers said. "This is the sort of magnitude of change you would see when you are doing an explicit emotional stressor," like inducing fear or stress, Hahn said. "We weren't manipulating their emotional or affective state, it was a subtle social interaction with the experimenter … but they had pretty large reactions."
Many of the participants were unaware of their skin temperature reaction, when asked about it after the fact. "Only about a quarter of the sample reported feeling any emotional change. The rest were consciously unaffected by the interaction," Hahn said.
The researchers can't say if the changes are perceptible to the naked eye, or if they could be detected with touch. If others can detect these changes, they could serve as social cues that we use to communicate nonverbally.
The study will be published tomorrow (May 30) in the journal Biology Letters.


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